Knowledge Base Archive

  • Operational Strategy

    Operational Strategy

    Operational strategy is not only important for large corporations, but also for small businesses that want to thrive in a dynamic and competitive market.

  • Quick Facts on Small Businesses

    Quick Facts on Small Businesses

    How much do you know about the current state and trends of small businesses in the US? In this post, we will share some interesting statistics you might find useful

  • EVA, is it right for you?

    EVA, is it right for you?

    Entrepreneurship via acquisition (EVA) is a form of entrepreneurship that involves buying an existing business and running it as the owner-operator

  • The Importance of Small Businesses

    The Importance of Small Businesses

    Small businesses are vital for the health and prosperity of local economies. They create jobs, foster innovation, circulate money within the community, and contribute to the local government.

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